January 30, 2018
We receive hundreds of applications for each event and each application comes with up to 5 photos. But, did you know that your gorgeous images can clog up our system if they're not properly resized? It takes less than a minute to properly resize your image and we've put together a small guide to show you how you can streamline your application review process.
How to Resize Your Images on Mac
How to Resize Your Images on Windows
How to Resize Your Images on Mac
1. Open your image in Preview (that’s your default program when you open images). Make sure you do this on a duplicate or copy file as you will likely want to save the original high resolution image for other uses.
2. Click on Tools and select Adjust Size…
3. Change the Width to a value between 1080 and 2000 pixels, if it’s a horizontal or square image. If it’s a vertical image, change the Height. Make sure the lock symbol is closed so that your image proportions stay the same. You will need to play around with different sizes. The more complex your image is, the smaller you’ll need to make the pixel size. The more simple your image is (if it has a lot of white space or if there are many similar colour pixels), you can get away with a bigger pixel size. Don’t go too small or you will greatly reduce the quality of your image.
4. Click OK. If you exit the photo, your resized image will save. As stated above, you will likely want to perform these steps on a copy so that you can save your high resolution image separately. If you forgot, you can revert to an earlier save by clicking File > Revert To…
5. To check what size your file has ended up, right click on your image and select Get Info. Any photo you submit for your Market Collective application must be 1 MB or under.
How to Resize Your Images on Windows
1. In your file manager, right click the image and open it with Paint. Make sure you do this on a duplicate or copy file as you will likely want to save the original high resolution image for other uses.
2. When in Paint, click Resize (in the Home tab), then go to Pixels.
3. Change the Width to a value between 1080 and 2000 pixels, if it’s a horizontal or square image. If it’s a vertical image, change the Height. You will need to play around with different sizes. The more complex your image is, the smaller you’ll need to make the pixel size. The more simple your image is (if it has a lot of white space or if there are many similar colour pixels), you can get away with a bigger pixel size. Don’t go too small or you will greatly reduce the quality of your image.
4. Click OK, then save your resized photo as a JPEG image. Be sure to give you resized photo a different name than your original so as to differentiate them.
5. You can re-check the pixel size by re-opening your image with Paint and checking the bottom info bar for the pixel density.
Any photo you submit for your Market Collective application must be 1 MB or under. You may have to play around with pixel sizes until you get your desired file size.